October 3, 2011

Scandalized Priest Writes a Book

Remember this guy?  He was the Roman Catholic Priest who was caught having a relationship with a grown woman a couple of years ago.  It was a big scandal because evidently the Church finds sex between consenting adults more of an affront to their god than raping children.

He left the Roman Catholic Church and now works for a different Catholic Church (reformed Anglican or something, who cares) and he's living happily ever after with his new wife and child.  Blah, blah, blah.  I don't really give a shit one way or the other about the Church's policy on celibacy, and I'm glad Alberto Cutie has found happiness with his new family.  

What I find interesting about this article is that this priest criticizes the hypocrisy of his former employer while making hypocritical statements himself.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

From the article:

They said I stained their public image, but they don't need me for that. They have done that very well on their own. As a matter of fact, I helped fight those scandals. I replaced two priests accused of being pedophiles, denounced by many victims. I even replaced a priest who had a daughter with a prostitute, who was paid one hundred thousand dollars to keep quiet, and she still talked about it.

He replaced priests that raped children.  He didn't call the police or burn them at the stake, he replaced them.  He even knew about payoffs to keep people quiet and was apparently OK with that.

He goes on...

I wouldn't have touched these topics if they had showed me a bit of sympathy. They could have said: 'The Father has failed us, but he has loved the Church for so many years, let's pray for him'. But no, they came out to crucify me. We have tapes of gay priests hanging out in gay bars right next to the Vatican, being promiscuous. Over one thousand priests have died in the United States of AIDS and that's not in the news.

So.... he would've continued hiding the the church's hypocrisy and perversion if they hadn't pointed out his own.  Real upstanding guy there.  Lots of finger pointing and no one taking responsibility - sounds like business as usual for the Church.


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