October 3, 2011

The Road to ...?

It's pretty clear by now that although the Republicans and their Tea Party base screech relentlessly about the budget, that's certainly not their priority.  In reality, their objective is to strangle and starve the Democratic party as outlined in the following excerpt from a Tea Party web site:

"The Tea Party must be victorious.  Not only in the ballot box as we elect conservatives to office, but we must use our success to dismantle liberalism.  As is being done in Wisconsin and Tennessee, we must take apart the public unions, which are little more than a funding arm for the Democratic Party.   We must cut the funding sources for liberalism in the government.  We must defund groups like Planned Parenthood, who receive hundreds of millions of dollars from the government then turn around and give millions to help elect Democrats.  We must eliminate programs that fund liberal activist groups.  We need to indentify the sources of their funding and go after them."

So if they can't beat Democrats at the voter's box they'll just eliminate the competition... or try to. Hinky ballot box results that always favor conservatives and the destruction of Democratic funding sources sounds a whole lot like sour grapes to me.  Now they're even passing "birther laws" in some red states in an attempt to keep our Democratic president off the ballot next year.  How is that going to work when there is legal documentation of his Hawaiian birth?  Do they think Hawaii is not part of the United States?  Maybe their next move will be to kick Hawaii out of the Union?

It all boils down to Republicans taking away our choices.  If we won't vote for them of our own free will, they will remove our options by force.  

Where does this lead us?  Looks like the Tea Party wants to lead us into a one party system... an authoritarian ultra-conservative system that is very much against the will of the people.  Afterall, if it was the will of the people they wouldn't have to do it by force.


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